The whole project from "I don't know what to do at all" to "I have a complete concept, an interview with the developers, an article in a game magazine, and even a piece of working code" took 4 hours.
At the beginning, I asked GPT to tell me what were the urban legends associated with video games of those times. I read about 15 different legends, most of them were united by the concept that they influence the brain through them. Remembered.
Then I asked it to talk about games that did not exist, but people believed that they were.
I didn't find anything interesting there - usually these were continuations of franchises.
I asked it about references and other projects related to non-existent games, at the same time looking through the references that the teacher sent.
I told the chat that I like all sorts of unusual game errors, glitches, fourth walls, game elements even at the menu stage and basic interactions. Remembered. Further chat spoke in this direction.
I told it that I like it when the base game is extremely dumb and simple, but it has this secret second layer. And that sooner or later the game starts talking to the player.
That's an interesting idea! We could have the game start off with simple text prompts, like "Press any key to start", but as the player progresses, the game could start to break the fourth wall and address the player directly. It could be a way to introduce the concept of the developer console and the hidden game within the game. How does that sound?
the chat asked me. I said sounds amazing, what do you have to offer?
GPT chat: Plot: The game is set in Tallinn, Estonia in the 1980s, and follows the story of a young girl named Eva who becomes trapped in a virtual reality game. The game is called "Pixel Land" and is a simple, low-budget game that features a character named Pixel who must jump over obstacles and collect coins. However, the game has a hidden developer console that allows the player to access a different version of the game with more advanced graphics and gameplay.
Gameplay: The game starts with Eva playing "Pixel Land" on her computer. As she progresses through the levels, glitches start to occur, and the game becomes harder and harder to complete. Eventually, Eva becomes trapped in the game and must navigate through a series of surreal and glitchy levels to escape. Along the way, she discovers the hidden developer console, which allows her to access the true version of the game with more advanced graphics and gameplay.
I told GPT it was too complicated. Something easier is needed.
It suggested a stupid platformer where someone runs around Tallinn. And that the text initially welcomes the player and the base, but with each level it changes and becomes more and more strange, such as "Do you ever feel like you're being watched?" or "What if you're not really playing a game?".
In general, it was a correct understanding of what I want, but so far I still did not see what to cling to in this.
I asked to simply generate in chronological order how messages can be modified.
Sure! Here's a possible chronological order for the in-game messages:
"Welcome to Tallinn Adventures! Press any button to start the game."
"Error: Missing asset 'sprite_001'. Please reinstall the game."
"Game loaded. Press up to jump, left and right to move. Be careful not to fall in the pits!"
"Warning: High CPU usage detected. Close other programs to optimize game performance."
"Hey! Are you enjoying the game so far? You can reply to this message by typing in the console below."
"Oops, sorry about that. I didn't mean to interrupt your game. Please continue!"
"Congratulations! You have found a secret area. But can you find the other two?"
"Error: Invalid input detected. Please try again."
"You know, I really like talking to you. It gets lonely in here sometimes."
"Warning: Low disk space detected. Please free up space to avoid data loss."
"Wait, did you see that? It looked like there was a glitch in the matrix..."
"I'm sorry, but I think I need to go now. Good luck on your adventures, and I hope to see you again soon!"
I didn't really like it, because somehow the transition from one to another is abrupt, and the player does not have time to get used to the mistakes. Said it to the chat. It rewrote.
Welcome to Tallinn!
Level 1: The Old Town
Error: File not found
Level 2: The Soviet-era Apartment
Error: Invalid input
Level 3: The Abandoned Factory
Error: Out of memory
Level 4: The Haunted Cemetery
Error: System failure
Level 5: The Secret Laboratory
Error: Unknown command
Level 6: The Tallinn TV Tower
Error: Access denied
Level 7: The Final Showdown
Error: Internal system error
Hello, [Player Name]. It's nice to meet you.
Then I caught my eye on the Soviet apartment and said oh, out of memory is similar to out of collective memory. Can you make other mistakes based on this joke? I got the following result immediately:
Yes, I understand what you mean. You want the error messages to be improved and made more interesting and relevant to the game's setting. Using "Out of collective memory" as an example, you want the error messages to reflect the history and context of the game's location and time period. Here are some ideas for error messages that might fit this theme:
"System error: File missing. Perhaps lost during the Soviet purge?"
"Error: Memory leak detected. Could be due to the constant changes of Tallinn's borders."
"Critical error: Buffer overflow. Maybe caused by the shifting political landscape."
"Error: Stack overflow. Likely due to a surplus of data from Tallinn's rapid modernization."
"System failure: Disk full. Could be a result of the city's population growth during the 20th century."
"Error: Invalid input. Maybe caused by the complexity of the Estonian language."
I felt very close to the result.
Then I explained to it for a long time and painfully how I want questions in this spirit to look. It didn't work out very well, but I squeezed something out of it (you can see it on the slides).
At first, he gave out something completely out of the previous context in the spirit:
"Do you want to reset the game?"
a. Yes, I prefer my potato salad with mustard.
b. No, I don't like tomatoes on my pizza.
c. Maybe, if the cat is wearing a top hat.
Но позже стал ближе к ошибкам и начал выдавать что-то такое
"Do you want to change the difficulty settings?"
а) Yes
b) No
c) Workers of the world, unite!
Not exactly what I needed, but in general I managed to train him to issue more or less tolerable constructions from questions and answers. In parallel, I continued to think about how to formulate something that would bring all these developments together. Re-read our mistakes. I realized that they all sound like propaganda, and it fits well with the traditional urban legend of brainwashing. I asked the chat to generate our mistakes as propaganda.
It turned out cool, some turned out to be Soviet, and some turned out to be anti-Soviet propaganda. I understand why this game was not found. Because it was produced and distributed secretly from the Soviet authorities and criticized this very government, hiding under the usual platformer... Or a quest. It didn't really bother me at this stage. I had something to tie everything we've collected together.
I told the chat that's about it. I asked it to rewrite the mistakes again. Then, correct questions.
Then I asked to write a synopsis of the game and a historical context based on what I came up with earlier. I did not correct these texts, they were good in their purest form.
Then I asked the chat what evidence there could be for the existence of the game that was found right now. Among other things, it offered a piece of code, an interview with a developer, letters from witnesses, and a magazine article.
All this, including the code, it wrote himself. By this point, I had already decided that the game was point and click, so he wrote code for this type of game (not all the code, of course, but a page from it). It was rather abstract, so I asked to write the part where our mistakes occur.
After that, I generated some images in migiorni and compiled everything into a beautiful pdf file, which you can see here.