Childhood amnesia
Childhood amnesia, also known as infantile amnesia, is the phenomenon where individuals have difficulty remembering events from their early years. This is a common experience and is believed to be due to the fact that the neural systems responsible for memory are not fully developed during early childhood. Scientists believe that childhood amnesia ends around the age of five, when the child begins to talk about what happened to them, write or draw about it. However, for me, this period of memory loss extended until my teenage years. Due to my lack of memories from my childhood, I have always feared that I would forget important moments. However, this fear has been mitigated by my use of diary-keeping, art, and photographs as tools for preserving memories.
Through my diary on, I was able to record my experiences and preserve fragments of my past. As I learned to draw, I became interested in depicting the places where I once lived, wanting to recreate them in detail. This led me to sift through hundreds of photographs from my family and friends to piece together my memories. This project is an exhibition that showcases the combination of these partly lost and partly restored memories using various visual mediums.
The project aims to explore the connection between memory and place, and how memories are affected by the passage of time, and loss of physical places. Also, how different mediums can be used to represent these memories and how AI can be used to generate new memories based on old ones.